Our Story
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Take advantage of this great offer to try PEMF, a drug-free therapy!
How I Discovered PEMF

My name is Sean Mayer, and I am a 60-year-old aging athlete. Until a few years ago I enjoyed being an avid runner, hiker, soccer player, and cyclist. I started to have pain in my ankles that progressed to the point that I could not endure the pain in my joints from the impact of running, and eventually the impact from anything.
It Was Time to See the Doctor
After a series of x-rays and MRIs, I was told I had deteriorating and thinning cartilage in both of my ankles, causing the bones to rub against each other. Being someone who does his due diligence, I decided to get a second opinion; the diagnosis was the same. The doctors explained that they could not do much for my ankles other than prescribe pain medication. The worst news, however, was that I would have to stop doing the things that I loved which made my joints and ankles hurt. The doctors further explained that my pain would progress to a point where I would not be able to handle it. Once I reached that point they would have to insert screws, permanently fusing my ankle joints. So, my long-term prognosis from traditional western medicine was severe pain treated with painkillers followed by a procedure that would leave me hobbling (at best) or crippled and unable to do the things I loved.
Fear of Being Crippled
I desperately started searching for anything that might eliminate the deterioration of my joint cartilage. I researched alternative and experimental solutions that eventually led me to discover Adult Stem Cell Therapy. I thought I found the solution, however the effects of the stem cell injections did not last long. I did three rounds over a 5 year period. They did help immensely, but I slowly reverted to a painful situation that was affecting my everyday mobility. I was considering my 4th round of stem cell injections when my sister-in-law sent me an article where Ben Greenfield was discussing PEMF technology for his athletic recovery. I did my research and found that using PEMF has been reported to heal cartilage, and over 2,000 University level double blind studies have been done around the world on numerous subjects. I ultimately purchased a machine for my personal use. I have used the machine on myself, friends, family, and even pets with astonishing results. I have only had positive reports (except the pets, they didn’t report anything…but they were happier!)
Why I Started Pulse for Health
The required investment to acquire quality PEMF therapy equipment puts them out of reach for a lot of people. So, that’s why I am starting Pulse for Health to provide an affordable drug-free and well-being solution to those who are told they have to live with pain. I am telling you….IT WORKS! Now you have a choice, you don’t have to live with pain! I know you probably may have never heard of PEMF, but it truly works!
Schedule a Session
PEMF has been known to completely reverse chronic pain and disease after only a few sessions. Within days of use, it has the capacity to accelerate injury recovery that normally would have taken weeks or months to fully recovery from. PEMF treatment is also very effective but gentle for an area which may be too sore to touch and manually massage. Now you have a choice! You don’t have to live with pain.