Frequently Asked Questions
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Take advantage of this great offer to try PEMF, a drug-free therapy!
Who benefits from PEMF exercise?
What is the difference between PEMF Exercise and Electrosmog?
What can I expect after the first session?
How much PEMF Exercise do I need?
What makes Pulse Center Systems different?
What wave forms are used?
Can we use PEMF on people with stents or metal implants?
Is it safe to use on anyone?
The goal of the PEMF system is to produce a magnetic field that penetrates the body and supports its natural functions. This requires a very long wavelength and low frequency. Most PEMF systems produce frequencies in the extremely low frequency to very low frequency range on the electromagnetic spectrum, much closer to the earth’s frequencies, are non-ionizing and have been used safely around the world for decades.
Persons with active bleeding or hemorrhaging conditions or during heavy menstruation cannot use PEMF.
PEMFs have not been proven safe for pregnant women, so we do not recommend it.
People with organ transplants on immunosuppression should not use PEMF.
Schedule a Session
PEMF has been known to completely reverse chronic pain and alleviate or greatly reduce other symptoms after only a few sessions. Within days of use, it has the capacity to accelerate injury recovery that normally would have taken weeks or months to fully recovery from. PEMF treatment is also very effective but gentle for an area which may be too sore to touch and manually massage. Now you have a choice! You don’t have to live with pain.